Beginner Belly Dance Class Shimmy Workout
Beginners Belly Dance Class | Your Doing This WRONG, Now do this! | Belly Dance Shimmy - Choo Choo
Professional beginners Belly Dance Technique class on a belly dance shimmy workout | Learn fast - fun - free Online subscription video lessons available
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follow me on IG: @melissabellydance SIGN UP TO MY LIVE STREAMING 12 week Belly Dance and Fusion Courses Understanding these fundamental belly dance moves are essential to becoming a skilled belly dancer and getting a great workout. My Belly Dance classes teach you safely annd correctly. The Belly Dance shimmy choo choo is an important core belly dance raqs move. The speed of your belly dance shimmy is dictated by how fast you step. Bending your knees and leaning slightly forward is not always taught by belly dance teachers. Remember in my beginners belly dance classes and tutorials we always SMILE! 😄