ROLL IT GIRL!! Do you want to learn a fun and sexy belly dance movement? Would you like to improve your hip mobility and muscle tone? Maybe you want release tension in your hips with beautiful belly dance movements. Either way, read on and watch my "Belly Dance Classes | ROLL IT GIRL | Belly Dance Pelvic Roll | Belly Dancing | For Better Technique" tutorial, where we use beautiful belly dance movements to build leg strength!
Belly Dance Classes | ROLL IT GIRL | Belly Dance Pelvic Roll | Belly Dancing | For Better Technique
Here in this Melissa Belly Dance pelvic roll tutorial we learn to roll our hips! Firstly we begin building the technique piece by piece. Secondly, we put it all together and "Roll it girl!" The belly dance pelvic roll works lots of hip and abdominal muscles, not to mention your legs! Feel the burn in your supporting leg and you learn sensual and healing belly dance movement.
Ready? Let's ROLL!
Belly Dance Classes | ROLL IT GIRL | Belly Dance Pelvic Roll | Belly Dancing | For Better Technique
Join Melissa's belly dance classes and specialist courses to tone up, learn how to belly dance and learn the BEST belly dance movements from the Best!! Belly dancing actually uses and incorporates the whole body, exercises your brain, and allows you to discover and enhance your femininity. Sooooo, What are you waiting for? sign up today!
Join our community! There is lot's to choose from! And we have lot's of FUN together!
- Belly Dance, Ori Tahiti, and Fusions Live online classes on Zoom with class recordings access
- Course videos online memberships and subscriptions
- Private lessons in person or on zoom
- In studio classes, courses and workshops
- Belly dance teacher training courses
In my school at the end of each term you receive a certificate of completion. Collect 3 of these certificates and redeem them for specialist Melissa Belly Dance workshops!