Belly Dance And Endorphins The Feel Good Hormones

Belly dance and the release of endorphins, the feel good hormones

Belly dance and belly dancing have many benefits. In this blog we will cover the relationship between belly dance and endorphins, the feel good hormones.Belly dance is a form of exercise, and exercise releases Endorphins which are the body's natural 'feel good drug' (AKA 'feel good hormones) and when they're released, they make us feel better, improve our mood, increase pleasure, reduce stress, and minimise pain.


I was inspired to write this piece partly because of the stress and pressures  put on the women of today by the media and society to live up to the medias image of body beautiful,  partly because of some of the negative misconceptions of belly dance, partly because of how fitness and belly dance are united, and partly because somehow this all ties together with feeling good about yourself, accepting yourself and loving yourself.

So here it is, I hope you enjoy it!

Ever notice a woman walking down the street and think ' damn she owns herself'!?

You noticed her because of her super composure, genuine confidence and maybe the gentle chasse of her hips and she seems completely unaware of her impact?

A female who knows who she is and loves herself is endearing.

And I'm not talking about an egotistical diva with narcissist syndrome

I'm talking about a female who is comfortable in her own skin and loves herself and her flaws.

A female who never puts herself down or compares herself to the media body image of beautiful.

A female who knows who she is and where she's going.

A female that we admire because she's accepted herself.


We may ask ourselves:

How does she do that??!

What's the secret??!

First of all we need to feel good about ourselves.

How do we do that you ask?

Many ways, but 1 fun, challenging and maybe not so obvious way that I strongly recommend .

Belly dance!

Belly dance is a form of exercise, and exercise releases Endorphins which is the body's natural 'feel good drug' (AKA 'feel good hormones) and when they're released, they make us feel better, improve our mood, increase pleasure, reduce stress, and minimize pain.


Exercise is an essential part of good body function. But the good news is that exercise is your shortest route to a sense of well-being and a physical glow. Everyone knows that exercise is good for you and that it is one of the best stress combatants available.

Not only does it keep the heart healthy and get oxygen into the system, but it helps deplete stress hormones and releases mood-enhancing chemicals which help us cope with stress better.



Many Ladies first come to my classes with low self confidence, body hang ups and little body awareness.

By the end of the course these same ladies have a completely different body image, they are more in tune with themselves, they love their curves and they literally strut in and out of every class.

When I say that belly dance is fun but challenging, I'm not necessarily talking about learning new skills, muscle control and isolations.

Some challenges could be learning to love your hips and learning to move them in beautiful and feminine ways.

Maybe 1 person's challenge is to overcome a confidence issue whilst another's challenge may be to appreciate herself.

The positive effects of belly dance that I witness in every class I teach never fail to amaze me.

Through belly dance we can change the way we as women see ourselves and one by one and we can defy the media and love ourselves for who we are right here and right now.





What are endorphins?

Endorphins are defined as hormone-like substances that are produced in the brain and function as the body's natural painkillers. During exercise, these endorphins are released, and this can produce feelings of euphoria and a general state of well being.

They are also released during excitement, pain, love, and orgasm.

Endorphins resemble the opiates in their ability to produce a natural state of well-being.Hence why endorphins are known as the body's natural high.

The word Endorphins consists of two parts: endo- and -orphin; these are short abbreviated forms of the words endogenous and morphine, intended to mean "a morphine-like substance originating from within the body."

The endorphins our bodies produce can be so powerful that they can actually mask pain.

Physically active people tend to recover from mild depression faster and physical activity is strongly correlated with good mental health as we age.



The 'Runner's high'

Many of us have heard of the term 'runners high'.

A publicized effect of endorphin production is the so-called "runner's high", which is said to occur when strenuous exercise takes a person over a threshold that activates endorphin production. Endorphins are released during long, continuous workouts, when the level of intensity is between moderate and high, and breathing is difficult. This also corresponds with the time that muscles use up their stored glycogen. Runner's high has also been known to create feelings of euphoria and happiness.

If you've ever taken a belly dance class of a fairly challenging intesity you may have experienced the whole endorphin release thing. You've finished the class feeling great, happy, you're smiling and you'r e probably feeling a bit sweaty!

(Some of the above info is from Wikipedia)


Not only is belly dance a form of exercise which done at the right intensity releases these wonderful feel good hormones, it also has many other major benefits that as a female you simply cannot turn your back on!
Feeling good, learning to love yourself, discovering your femininity PLUS ALL the benefits of the gym - getting fit, toning up, loosing weight whilst dedicating time to yourself AND going on an incredible journey of self discovery is just some of the things you can come to expect from a belly dance class.
Belly dance teaches us not only to accept ourselves but also to love ourselves, put that with a potent mix of endorphins and the euphoric feeling will be one you'll want to have in your life permanently!


Before you know it

YOU'LL be that female that others notice and admire for being beautifully you and loving it.

YOU'LL be the female that turns heads with your endearing confidence and composure.

YOU'LL be the female that looks in the mirror and smiles back at herself.

Because accepting yourself and loving yourself starts with feeling good about who you are.

Love yourself so other people can love you, believe in yourself so other people can believe in you, trust yourself so other people can trust you and be no thing but yourself.



