by Melissa Pina | Sep 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
LEARN HOW TO BELLY DANCE LIKE NAGWA FOUAD | TRADITIONAL BELLY DANCE | MELISSA BELLYDANCE Do you want to learn how to belly dance, have fun whilst exercising and toning up your body? Yes? Then read on and watch my "LEARN HOW TO BELLY DANCE LIKE NAGWA FOUAD |...
by Melissa Pina | Sep 25, 2021 | Uncategorized
BELLY DANCE CLASSES | HIP TWIST EXERCISE WORKOUT | FOR A SLIMMER TONED FIMER BODY Do you want to learn how to belly dance, get a toned firmer body, AND a slimmer waist line? Yes? Then read on and watch my "Belly Dance Classes, Hip Twist Exercise Workout For A Slimmer...
by Admin | Sep 17, 2021 | Uncategorized
DO THIS AND BOOST YOUR BELLY DANCE | HIP ISOLATIONS AND GIRLIE SQUATS | PROFESSIONAL TECHNIQUE MELISSA BELLY DANCE HIP ISOLATIONS AND GIRLIE SQUATS! Do you want to learn how to belly dance, get a juicy bum and flick your hair like you just don't care!?...
by Melissa Pina | Sep 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
BELLY DANCE FIGURE 8s AND MORE HAIR FLICKS! MELISSA BELLY DANCE FIGURE 8s AND MORE HAIR FLICKS! Do you want to learn how to use your hair when you dance? Yes? Then read on and watch my belly dance figure 8's and more hair flicks tutorial, or better still actively join...
by Melissa Pina | Sep 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
DO This for a toned and flat belly | Belly Dance ABS flat stomach workout | Pelvic Isolations Do my Belly Dance ABS flat stomach workout and pelvis isolations video for pelvic health and core strength! Use my belly dance classes, tutorials and videos to tone up not...
by Melissa Pina | Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
DO THIS FOR A STRONG TONED AND FLAT BELLY | BELLY DANCE ABS FLAT STOMACH WORKOUT | STRENGTH TRAINING Do this video for a strong, toned and flat belly! Strengthen the belly and muscles of the hips through belly dancing with me! BELLY DANCE ABS FLAT STOMACH...